The IAM Process

The IAM Process: Personal Growth & Transformation (El Proceso YO SOY de Crecimiento y Transformación Personal)
How to Access the Class Sessions
1. Log on to the website using your recognized username and password. If you have never taken a Meru University course in the past and do not have an account, please create one here: Create Meru University Account     If you have already taken a course, please do not create a new account.
2. Click on the "Register" button above. Once you have registered and paid the course fee, you will receive a confirmation email that you have successfully registered.
3. The live course will be available in  English with live translation into Spanish.
4. On the class day, click on the blue words "Join Live Class in English" or "Únete a la clase en vivo en español"  in the gray box located on the left side or at the bottom of this page.
Sundays, November 24 and December 1, 2024, 1:00 - 2:30 pm MST
Serapis Bey
Mary Ann Morningstar
English, Español
$20.00 (Discounts are available for those who live outside the US)
Course Description
The IAM Process is a metaphysical approach to inner healing based on the understanding that consciousness is energy and may be accessed through the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies. Once the energy information is accessed and the patterns identified, it is possible to easily transform the energy to a higher vibrational pattern that supports inner healing and wholeness. In this two-session course, you will learn to work with your own energy system.

The purpose of this process is to empower individuals to create inner healing and wholeness. The goal is to identify thoughts and feelings as energy patterns that may be easily transformed to facilitate integration with the Higher Self.
The Self, The Higher Self and Solar Beingness
Course #
MU 2024-07
For assistance creating an account or accessing a course, please contact
Average score: 0%
Progress: 0%