Available Courses

Available Courses: Upcoming Live Courses and Videos of Past Courses                  Visual Search by Category

VIDEOS AVAILABLE after the live course date - Click on course title and then click on the course page!
For assistance creating an account or accessing a course, please contact registrar@meruuniversity.org.
Sunday, November 17: Mother Mary on Essene History, Mysticism and Prophecy (Madre María en la historia, el misticismo y la profecía esenia) with David Christopher Lewis, 11:00 am–1:00 pm MST
Sundays, TBA (dates coming soon!): The I AM Process (El Proceso YO SOY) with Mary Ann Morningstar, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm MST
Self-Healing Empowerment  with Dr. Nancy Lach
Meru University Symposia
Self-Healing Empowerment - Dr. Nancy Lach
Meru University Micro-talkS (MUMS) by Heartfriends
2020 COURSE VIDEOS - Click on course title and then click on the course page!

ALL COURSES by Category- Click on course title and then click on the course page!
Adeptship and the Path of Initiation to the Ascension
Alchemy and Abundance
Aquarian Virtues, Values and Divine Science
Art and Music of the Aquarian Age
Buddhic Healing, Awareness and Beingness
Building Communities and Societies of Light
Crystal Rays and the Higher Senses
Divine Love and Twin Flames
Foundational Spiritual Practices for Initiates
Golden-Crystal Age, The New Age and Aquarian Living
Heart Centeredness, Heart Mindfulness, Heart-Soul Connection
Heartfriend Wisdom Series, taught by heartfriends
Permaculture and Elemental Life
Teacher Training for the Aquarian Age
The Human Aura and the Chakras
The Self, The Higher Self and Solar Beingness
For assistance creating an account or accessing a course, please contact registrar@meruuniversity.org.

Meru University is the education branch of The Hearts Center, a charitable organization and spiritual community.