Welcome To Meru University - A Spiritual University For Advanced Initiates

Meru University is the education branch of The Hearts Center

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Recent Course - Replay is now available!

Meru University Micro-talkS (MUMS) -
Short (approximately 15-minute) video presentations by heartfriends who share their wisdom on a topic of their choice.

                                                              For assistance, please contact registrar@meruuniversity.org

Available Courses: Upcoming Live Courses and Videos of Past Courses                  Visual Search by Category

Click on course title and then click on the course page!
For assistance creating an account or accessing a course, please contact registrar@meruuniversity.org.
Upcoming Live 2025 Courses - VIDEOS will be AVAILABLE after the live course date
The Psychology of Love: Unmasking the Blind Spots to Spiritual Freedom (La psicologia del amor: revelando puntos ciegos hacia la libertad spiritual) with Vernon Coulon, Sunday, April 27, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm MT
The Power, Process and Practice of Emanation: Be a Sun! (El poder, el proceso y la práctica de la emanación: ¡sean un Sol!) with Alice Rogers, Sunday, May 18, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm MT
The Wisdom of Compassion of Beloved Kuan Yin in her Chenrezing and Mahakala Forms (La sabiduría de la compasión de la amada Kuan Yin en sus formas Chenrezing y Mahakala) with Aida Bautista, Sunday, July 20, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm MT
Freedom from Chemicals, Metals and Other Toxic Stressors: A Road Map to Unburden the Body and Improve Health (Liberarse de los productos químicos, los metales y otros factores estresantes tóxicos: una hoja de ruta para aliviar el cuerpo y mejorar la salud) with Nancy Lach, Mondays, September 8 and 15, 7:00 –8:30 pm MT
Vibration Education: Spiritual Energy Work (Educación vibratoria: trabajo energético espiritual) with Sharon Wallace and Cathleen Alexander, Sunday, September 28, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm MT
Mother Omega Matters: Balancing the Divine Feminine Within (La importancia de Madre Omega: equilibrar lo divino femenino en el interior) with Denise Mattoo, Sunday, October 19, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm MT
On the Practical Uses of the Currents of Space (Los usos prácticos de las corrientes del espacio) with Raphael Fitch, Mondays, November 3 and 10, 7:00 –8:30 pm MT
James, the Brother of Jesus (Santiago, el hermano de Jesús) with Dennis Fisher, Sunday, November 23, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm MT
Playing the Karma/Dharma Game with Lalita Tripura Sundari (El juego del karma y el dharma con Lalita Tripura Sundari) with Wayne Purdin, Sunday, December 14, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm MT
Self-Healing Empowerment  with Dr. Nancy Lach
Meru University Symposia
Self-Healing Empowerment with Dr. Nancy Lach
Meru University Micro-talkS (MUMS) by Heartfriends
2020 COURSE VIDEOS - Click on course title and then click on the course page!

ALL COURSES by Category- Click on course title and then click on the course page!
Adeptship and the Path of Initiation to the Ascension
Alchemy and Abundance
Aquarian Virtues, Values and Divine Science
Art and Music of the Aquarian Age
Buddhic Healing, Awareness and Beingness
Building Communities and Societies of Light
Crystal Rays and the Higher Senses
Divine Love and Twin Flames
Foundational Spiritual Practices for Initiates
Golden-Crystal Age, The New Age and Aquarian Living
Heart Centeredness, Heart Mindfulness, Heart-Soul Connection
Heartfriend Wisdom Series, taught by heartfriends
Permaculture and Elemental Life
Teacher Training for the Aquarian Age
The Human Aura and the Chakras
The Self, The Higher Self and Solar Beingness

Meru University Assistance:  Please contact us at registrar@meruuniversity.org or call Cathleen at (406) 823-3040, ext. 3330, for registration assistance, password resets, username credentials, etc.

Meru University is the education branch of The Hearts Center, a charitable organization and spiritual community.